Grow My Store Google Report: Live Chat one of the recommended Optimisations

We know a lot of you already use the Google Site Reports to optimise your site. Having a site that is optimised against the parameters that Google has defined is a really important way of helping your site to rank well. More importantly, it will help you to deliver a better experience to your customers. A site that loads quickly, has excellent product detail, is secure, offers a variety of contact options, etc. makes the buying / browsing experience so much nicer for your customers. A site that’s optimised will deliver better conversion rates.

The full Grow My Store report is split across the following categories:

  • Product Information (pricing, reviews, search, etc.)
  • Personalisation (accounts, wishlist)
  • Flexible fulfilment (basket, returns, etc.)
  • Customer Service (contact options)
  • Security (https)
  • Mobile (responsive design, speed)

This report is designed for retailer sites. You can tweak the report, if you, sell “online only”, “in-store only”, and “online & in-store”. Not all of the categories will apply to you. For example, someone who sells virtual goods or services obviously won’t offer “Next day Shipping”. So just focus on the ones that apply to you and optimise accordingly.

42% of Internet Users Expect Live Chat

Chat’s the way to do it!
Live Chat is included in the “Customer Service” category. When Google crawls your site, it looks to see if there is a Chat Box available for customers to get support from you. If you offer Live Chat, then you will get a green tick and a boost in your overall site score. Interestingly, offering Live Chat will actually boost your score regardless of whether you run the report on the basis of selling online only, in-store only or both.

If you want to the run the Google report on your site, it’s available here: Grow My Site.

If you want to make sure that you get the green tick in your site report, sign up for Chatify here.

So there you have it. Adding live chat to your site is one of the most effective site optimisations that you can make. Don’t just take our word for it. Listen to your customers (42% of them “expect” live chat) and now Google will boost your site rank too!