A quick explainer video for my ‘Top 5 Reasons why Chatify is so Effective for Universities’ blog post.
  1. Page level routing
  2. Page level Knowledgebase
  3. Unlimited Team Members
  4. Reply Live and Reply later
  5. Chat and Q&A

Way back when, the first iteration of our Community Q&A app was called “Social Q&A”. It was when everything HAD to be social to be cool :). That app was designed for Universities and the idea was this:

Even though questions come in for this course everyday, why does the course page never get any richer?

Idea behind Social Q&A
Social Q&A

Our idea was that when questions get answered about a course, the thread should update on the page, thus improving the page for the next person (and obviously answering the question for the person who asked it.).

BTW – Amazon later launched this type of Q&A on their product pages – so now you have Reviews and Q&A.

We tested and refined it with several Universities (UL, UCC, NUIG, etc.). And 10’s of iterations later, we now call this app Community Q&A. It turns out that designing the app around a University setup was actually a really good decision. Why? If you think about a University and how they typically engage with prospective students, they are essentially massively distributed customer care teams.

A question that comes in for Computer Science will typically be answered by the course leader for that course. The same goes for the 750 courses that the University offers. The distributed nature of customer care in Universities shaped the structure of our system. It means that we now support features that other systems cannot easily replicate.

The point in highlighting our backstory here is that the decisions we made right at the start were with Universities in mind. It turns out that these were very good product decisions not only for Universities but for most client types (retailers, hotels, start-ups, etc.).

Here are the top 5 Reasons why I think Chatify is unrivalled as the customer contact solution for Universities:

Page Level Routing
If question comes from [this page] auto-assign to this [Person] or [Department]. This is a non-negotiable feature for most Universities. Without it, the system could not work.

Page level Knowledgebase
If a prospective student asks “What are the entry requirements for this course?” obviously the automatic answer that is prompted for Food Science will be different from Business Studies. The ability to create knowledgebase articles that can apply to a single page /or a department /or even the entire site and have those articles served by the Bot, means that the structure works really well for Universities.

Unlimited Team Members
Traditional live chat providers typically charge per seat / agent. This impacts how the product is adopted and used. I covered why this a major issue in this post. With Chatify, you can have your entire University in the system so that everyone is easily accessible to help with support queries. This makes the support process so much more efficient.

Reply Live and Reply later
When you have such a large customer support team, you will have people who are very quick to respond and others who are less so. You will also have teams where their primary role is to reply to student enquires and others where it is a sub-task. Chatify is designed to support those who are available to Live Chat and also those who default to replying later.

Chat and Q&A
Chatify supports Q&A and Live Chat. This means that you can vary the type of interaction that’s offered between different sections.

University Marketing Events
We also offer Live Q&A service for those really busy periods where a Group Chat hosted on your site is the best option. This is used by Universities around key dates, for group chats for International students, etc. It’s a really effective way of connecting experts to prospective students to get their questions answered.

Without wanting to seem arrogant, I would happily compare Chatify to any other Live Chat / Customer Contact Solution and be confident that Chatify will be a more effective solution for your University.

If you would like us to do a comparison with any particular service, just reach out and we will facilitate.

As always, thanks for reading!