When we started working on Chatify, we wanted to build live chat software that worked for teams that were just like us. We are a small team split between Cork, Taipei, Sibiu, Beijing and occasionally, Auckland. We rarely meet in person but work together all day, every day. The nature of our product and how we support it, means that we are constantly discussing chats that come in.

Sometimes one person handles a chat from start to finish. Other times, a few of us might get involved in a chat. For still others, one or two of us could be dealing with the customer directly while our team discusses the customer query internally [“Chat, Comments”].
We have customers in Europe, the United States, Australia and New Zealand. The distribution of our customer base and the fact that we are still a small team, means that there are periods of the day where we still have questions coming in but our team is offline. We are still too small to offer 24×7 live support. Cue the answerbot!

When we looked at existing live chat solutions, we felt they were poorly designed for teams. Their business models meant that only live chat agents could justify having accounts (i.e. pay per agent pricing). This made it awkward to loop in the wider team to support customers.
We saw anomalies in the software too, like having to “wait in line for an agent“. Really? Why? Let me send my message now and you reply when you’re available. You know, just like I am used to. Or live chat widgets that open in a separate window and if you close the window, you end the live chat session. Yeah, that’s really is annoying! Or when the team is offline and the live chat turns into a contact form or disappears from the site completely.
The more we thought about how our live chat software would work and what we were fixing, it became clear to us that far from being an anomaly, our requirements would in fact, deliver a much more effective live chat product for the vast majority of businesses.

Granted, our team is on the extreme end of distributed but it doesn’t really matter if the person who you need to collaborate with is downstairs, on the other side of the campus or the other side of the world. Being able to access your team from within the live chat app, is such a key requirement that without it, you end up constantly switching to other tools (email, messaging, calls, etc.) to get input from colleagues. This slows everything down.
So that’s where Chatify is coming from. It’s our take on live chat. Chatify is simple to use, easy for the customer and really efficient for teams to collaborate on customer enquiries.
Our FREE plan includes all the core features (unlimited team members, knowledge-base, automated bot responses, team messaging, etc.) and our paid plans are priced fairly. Everyone starts on Free. Sign up here. We would love to have you on board :)!
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